Give knowledge about conservation to early childhood will give a knowledge that will be attached the children who will grow up to teenagers to adults, by giving the material conservation of simple and easy to understand and educate the child.
in this case the RSF do activities play while hiking such as: plant trees together, telling stories while drawing the wildlife protected and ceremonial which involves children.
Help the community in terms of human and elephant conflict mitigation is the perfect time to give education to the local community in the Sumatran elephant, the homerange RSF teach communities in an attempt to penggiringan a good elephant or safety, how to use the tools of the gun safe and the result is a herd of wild elephants without having to hurt.
in conducting education, we must get to know the culture of the local people, should understand the character of the community. Indonesia is a large country with many ethnic groups, there is a character with the Batak firmly and there is a tribe of minang, Javanese different tribes etc, different way to approach people.